Egypt Monuments Highlights


Pyramid of Senusret II ( Lahun Pyramid ) : Pharaonic

The pyramid of Lahun was built by the king Senusret II near the water dam he built near the city of Lahun, 22 kilometers to the South of the modern city of Fayoum.


The history and the description of Pyramid of Lahun


Senusret II, the fourth king of the 12th Dynasty of Egypt, ruled from 1897 BC to 1878 BC. This king gave particular attention to the Fayoum region and began to work on an irrigation system through the construction of a dike at El Lahun. This was where he built his pyramid as well. The pyramid was discovered and opened by the English scientist William Flinders Petrie in 1889


The pyramid of Senusret II in Lahun was built on a high hill that is 13 meters high and it was constructed out of mud bricks, the same as the Pyramid of Amenemhat III which was built in Hawara. The pyramid is 48 meters high and the length of its base is 106 meters. The pyramid, the same as many pyramids that were constructed in the area, was coated with limestone.


The entrance of the pyramid of Lahun was built in its southern side, the same as the pyramid of Hawara, and unlike all the other pyramids of Egypt. The entrance leads to a number of complicated corridors that surround the burial room in a unique design to trick thieves. The coffin of the king which was made of light red granite was found in the burial chamber.


Some ruins of the mortuary temple of the pyramid are still remaining to the east of the pyramid. There are also some small pyramids that belong to the queens and princess of the royal family of Senusret II.


The area hosts a number of other sites like the necropolis of Lahun, the workers villages, and the tomb of mkat that goes back to the 13th dynasty.


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