Egypt Monuments Highlights


Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum : Modern Arts

Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum or Mukhtar Museum is a museum that displays the works of the Egyptian artist and sculptor Mahmoud Mukhtar. Mamoud Mukhtar is considered as one of the Egyptian arts pioneers and the father of modern Egyptian sculpture. He was born in Egypt in Gharbia governorate and from a young age had a talent in the arts that was visible to those around him. He studied at the school of fine arts in Cairo when he was 17 years old, and due to his excellence, the school’s founder, Prince Yusuf Kamal, decided to send him to Paris to complete his education there.

While in Paris, the young artist was productive and began displaying his art in exhibitions starting with a statue in 1913. Mukhtar had numerous important contributions, despite his death at a young age, of which the most important were founding the Higher School of Fine Arts, holding his own exhibition in Paris in 1930, which was a huge success, and creating his most important sculpture, Egypt’s Renaissance, which became a symbol of Modern Egypt. His style was known for valuing the contemporary European style of sculpting, while heavily being based in the Egyptian daily life and style.

Mukhtar’s museum has 85 statues made from bronze, stone, basalt, marble granite and plaster. A lot of Egyptian personalities made a great effort to return his works from Europe, where they were displayed at the time of his death. Today, his museum continues to be a source of inspiration, especially for the young Egyptian arts students.


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