Egypt Monuments Highlights


Church of the Holy Virgin : Coptic

The Church of the Holy Virgin in Babylon El-Darag is a church that lies in Coptic Cairo, in Babylon fortress. This Coptic orthodox church was built in the 11th century AD. Its location was a place that the Holy Family passed by during their time in Egypt, when they were heading towards the Nile to take a boat to Upper Egypt. It was also the location from which Peter sent his epistle.

The Church was occupied by several patriarchs from the 11th till the 15th century, and some of them are buried in the church, including Pope Zacharias.

The Church’s architecture is of typical Coptic style. It includes a narthex, a nave, a choir, northern and southern aisles and three sanctuaries, one of which is dedicated to the Holy Virgin. Inside the church, there is a great number of beautiful icons and paintings depicting mostly the Virgin Mary and Jesus, as well as several saints and key Christian figures.


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