Egypt Monuments Highlights


Dush Temple : Greek Roman

Dush was a religious, military and civilian complex that primarily developed as the result of the slave trade, and was a staging point for caravans that either headed to Asyut or Esna .

Built for Isis and Serapis, this temple located at the Kharga Oasis is entirely surrounded by amud-brick fortress. It was built during the rule of Domitian and Trajan (1stcentury) and decorated during the rule of Hadrian, though apparently the site was occupied from the Ptolemaic period.  Entering the temple through anyone of several gates is the barrel-vaulted sanctuary which is made up of two connecting rooms and has a vaulted ceiling.  On either side of the sanctuary are chapels. The temple is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and has no admission charge.


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