Egypt Monuments Highlights


Sightseeing In :-Assuit

Assiut is Upper Egypt Capital because of it is strategic value position between Upper and Lower Egypt (Al Saaeed) it is about 375 km south of Cairo. it was the end of the road for camel caravans that traveled up the 40 Day Road from Darfur in the Sudan, It was found in pharaonic times as Syut Later, then the  Greeks renamed it Lycopolis which means 'city of the wolf'.

This was due to the importance of the Jackal gods Wepwawet the Jackal God of Abydos; it is also famous of many Christian old monasteries for some pilgrim trips in the famous one is the monastery of St. Mary (DEIR DRONKA) also El Mohrak monastry. Now it one of the modern cities with it is university also many international & local investors came & started to discover it is treasures after the development of it is Infra structure.
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