Egypt Monuments Highlights


Tuna El Gebel ( Al Jabal ) : Pharaonic

The Ancient Egypt site of Tuna el-Gebel borders Amarna, the capital of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who is one of the most controversial pharaohs of today due to his break from ancient Egypt's traditional religions. It is a little over four miles west of Hermopolis and just west of the modern village of Deirut. It is one of several necropolises of ancient Hermopolis.


The ruins of Tuna El-Gebel are scattered over an area of about three kilometers. The oldest monument found here is one of six Stella on the boundary of Akhenaten's ancient city, which shows the king and Nefertiti in various poses. It is a part of a rock-cut "shrine" a little way up the escarpment.


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