Horus Sports
Appeared rates per Person in different rooms types and periods ,
please insert the needed date and number of rooms. Minimum reservation is 02 person , case of one person alone private tour 40% extra from the single room rate applied .
Start City :- Cairo
End City :- Cairo
Duration / Days :- 8
Check In *
Check Out *
P.P In SingleP.P In DoubleP.P In TripleChildern SharingValid FromExpire To
601.35 USD
601.35 USD
601.35 USD
300.2 USD
  • Duration: 8 nights
  • Type: Sports
  • Starting Point: Cairo
  • Ending Point: Cairo

In the airport's arrival hall,before the immigration and customs formalities, you will find your tour managerwaiting for you and carrying a board with your group's name. He will assist youin issuing your visa and receiving the luggage, and then accompany you throughthe transport to the accommodation place, he will continue accompanying youtill you get to your room and will supply you with the important knowledge thatyou may need till you meet with your guide on the next morning after breakfast,wishing you good night.


pyramids, museum and Khan ElKhalili bazaar

ETB's tour manager will pick youup at the agreed time and meeting spot to start your sightseeing tour to visit the Great Giza Pyramids Plateau. It includes the three pyramids of Cheops,Chephren and Mykerions. The Great Pyramid is one of the seven wonders of theancient world and the only one still in existence today. Near the pyramids isthe Sphinx, who is the area's protector, with its lion body and the face ofking Chephren. On a visit to the pyramids, it's allowed to enter inside any ofthe pyramids, up till the king's room in the top, but an entrance ticket isneeded. We'll continue driving to visit The Egyptian Museum. It is a greatmuseum of antiquities with the richest collection that displays the pharaoh’sancient life, including the King Tutankhamun's gold & jewelry treasurescollection. There is also the mummy room, which has mummies of prominent kings,that is open for visitors, but an extra entrance ticket is needed. We'llcontinue driving to visit Khan El Khalili. It is the oldest bazaars area inCairo, where you can find and enjoy all kinds of old handmade products, thesame as they were hundreds of years ago. Also you can get some rest in anoriental coffee house and enjoy the hot beverages. After the tour, the driverwill escort you back to the agreed spot or accommodation place, wishing you'veenjoyed your day (Farewell)


Transport guide will escort youto the domestic airport hall to fly to Luxor.

Transport guide will escort youfrom the domestic airport hall to your Nile Cruise Ship, he will continueaccompanying you till you get to your room and will supply you with theimportant knowledge that you may need. At the agreed time the tour manager willpick you up from your hotel to start your sightseeing tour for the day to visitKarnak Temple. The Karnak temple is the largest gated house of worship onEarth, located in Luxor City's east bank of the Nile, where each successivepharaoh of the old kingdom added his contribution in trying to make it the mostmagnificent temple. The temples of Karnak showcase the the evolution of ancientEgyptian art and the characteristics of the Pharaonic architecture. We willcontinue driving to visit Temple of Luxor, the center of the most importantfeast, the festival of Opet feast. It was built largely by Amenhotep III andRamesses II. It appears that the temple's purpose was to be a suitable settingfor the rituals of the festival. The festival itself was to reconcile the humanaspect of the ruler with the divine one. During the 18th Dynasty, the festivallasted eleven days, but had grown to twenty-seven days by the reign of RamessesIII in the 20th Dynasty. After the tour, the driver will escort you back toyour Nile Cruise Ship. Dinner and overnight on Board.

At the agreed time the tourmanager will pick you up from your hotel to start your sightseeing tour for theday to visit Valley of the Kings, the ancient Pharaohs king’s tombs in the westBank of Nile River in Luxor city. The Valley of the Kings remains the mostfamous tombs valley in the world. With its colorful scenes, awe-inspiring tombsand well-preserved condition, the valley keeps unfolding to us many secretstill this day. Your entrance ticket allows for a visit to 3 different tombs,while extra visits need extra tickets. We will continue driving to visit ElDeir El Bahari temple or Queen Hatshepsut temple. It is the splendor ofsplendors, as it's one of the most characteristic and recognizable temples inthe whole of Egypt, due to its design and decorations. It is built oflimestone, unlike most of the other funerary temples of the New Kingdom periodthat are built of sandstone. It has a unique shape and consits of three flatlevels, each one above the other. Queen Hatshepsut is the only woman to ruleover Egypt as pharaoh and named her temple with her direct name. We willcontinue driving to visit Colossi of Memnon. The two statues are two of thelargest statues in Luxor, which lie on the entrance to the memorial temple ofAmenophis III, which is located in Luxor's west bank. The name "Memnon"came from a long story related to the Greek ancient God, Memnon. After thetour, the driver will escort you back to your Nile cruise. Rest of the day isfor personal leisure. Sailing by ship via Esna to Edfu. Dinner and overnight onBoard.

At the agreed time the tourmanager will pick you up from your Nile Cruise Ship to start your sightseeingtour for the day to visit Edfu temple, an ancient Egyptian Temple located onthe west bank of the Nile in the city of Edfu. It was known in Greco-Romantimes as Apollonopolis Magna, after the chief god Horus-Apollo. Edfu was one ofseveral temples built during the Ptolemaic period, the temple is the largesttemple dedicated to God Horus and God Hathor. It was the center of severalfestivals sacred to Horus. Then back to Nile Cruise Ship and continue sailingto Kom Ombo. Visit Kom Ombo Temple. Kom Ombo Temple is an unusual double templebuilt during the Ptolemaic dynasty in the town of Kom Ombo, with some lateradditions made to it during the Roman period. It is the only temple dedicatedto two gods, unlike the others, which are dedicated to a single god. Thesouthern half of the temple was dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek, god offertility and creator of the world with Hathor and Khonsu. On the other side,the northern part of the temple was dedicated to the falcon god Haroeris, alsoknown as Horus the Elder, along with Tasenetnofret (the Good Sister, a specialform of Hathor) and Panebtawy (Lord of the Two Lands). Continue sailing toAswan. Dinner and overnight on Board.

At the agreed time the tour manager will pick you up fromyour Nile Cruise Ship to start your sightseeing tour for the day to visit TheHigh Dam of Aswan, one of the most important achievements of the last centuryin Egypt. It is a symbol of the new Egyptian era of the Revolution of 1952. Thebenefits of the dam are tremendous, as it provides Egypt with water andelectricity and has secured the country of the risk of the destructiveinundation of the River Nile. We will continue driving to visit Philae Temple(the Temple of Isis), one of the greatest Temples in Egypt. It occupies about aquarter of the island of Philae. It is the main temple on the island, with itshuge complete pylons and beautiful scenes. We will continue driving to visit TheUnfinished Obelisk. Located up in the mountainside of Aswan are the quarries,which were the source of granite in Ancient Egypt. Granite is the stronger typeof stone than what was otherwise in use; it was used for building largerstructures as one piece. Here lies a piece that was never finished, it is theUnfinished Obelisk, which was ordered to be built for Tuthmosis III's additionsto the temple complex at Karnak, but why was it never finished? Because of aflaw in the rock that was found half way into the process. Had this obeliskbeen finished, it would have become the single heaviest piece of stone everfashioned, weighing 1168 tons and 42 meters high. Back to boat for Lunch.Afternoon Felucca ride. The Felucca ride is the tour around Aswan Islands bythe traditional sailing boat (Felucca). The marvelous view and atmosphere ofriding a felucca and watching the sunset on the Nile River in Aswan isuncomparable. Moreover, it is a fantastic sailing experience around ElephantineIsland and you can also visit the famous Botanical Gardens in Aswan. After thetour, the driver will escort you back to your Nile cruise. Dinner and overnighton Board.

Morning Possibility of excursions to Abu Simbel depending onflight times. Transport guide will escort you to the domestic airport hall tofly to Cairo. At Cairo Airport Transport guide will escort you from thedomestic airport hall to your accommodation place.

On departure day: - your tour manager will assist you inyour accommodation place with check-out formalities and he will escort you tothe departure spot. At the airport, he will continue assisting you at theairline check-in and all through to the immigration official, where he willleave you with a warm good bye, on behalf of Egypt Travel Booking team, wishingyou a safe journey back home and hoping that you will have enjoyed your holidaywith us and hoping to see you in Egypt again.